The 2300 Club, Post 10 Penmachno Stage of the 2021 Cambria Rally

This is a write up by Brian Wragg (Gemini 64) of the marshalling at Post 10 on the Cambrian Rally, October 2021, to be published in the next issue of Spotlight
I was Mandatory Radio car on Post 10 and the 2300 Club provided the marshals for this Post. After getting lost, as usual in the forest, I eventually found my way to my location and immediately set about getting my radio up and running only to be disturbed by a convoy of cars who suddenly arrived. Their arrival required a rapid reshuffle of my car so that I could be in “Line of sight” of the junction.
I was self-contained as far as refreshments were concerned but the 2300 Club were far more organised than I could ever hope to achieve.
Whilst I started to organise my “in-car” paperwork the club set about organising their own, highly efficient, and very well organised feeding station. There were 11 marshals in total and all needed to be fed and watered during the course of the day.
On the odd occasion when I managed to get out of the car and away from the radio I was greeted with smiles and offers of tea and food.
Neil took the part of Sector Chief and he got the stage set up as per the book and I parked a little too close to the track, just so my old eyes could see the numbers. I only had a few tenths of seconds to register them before they were gone from sight. Having been in this situation before, I made a point of carrying 2 Boafeng transceivers and Neil agreed that he would call out the numbers as each car passed in order for me to note them down. It worked a treat. When two marshals were sent down the track to find a lost car they were able to carry the radio and report back to me what the situation was so that I could inform control with the minimum of delay.
The day passed relatively quietly, and other than car 6 who got stuck in a ditch, it was uneventful. The sun shone for nearly the whole day and a slight shower in the afternoon could not put a damper on the high spirits.