Originators of UK closed road motorsport

Andy Mort Tour

New unseeded entry list 

Supplementary Regulations here 

Please remember when entering please use the new bank details supplied in the regulations and belowNOT from previous years.

Lloyds Bank
2300 Club
Sort code     30-99-50
Account No  29023460
Please remember to reference with drivers name


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Chief Marshal   –   Janet Barritt  barrittjanet@gmail.com
Event Secretary  –  Stuart Pye    stuartpye@googlemail.com


THE 2300 Club of Blackburn is pleased to announce that the 2024 Andy Mort Tour will take place on Saturday, October 19.
The regulations and online entry form will go live here on the club website,  on the 17th of August.
Once again, the organising team led by Walter Bateson and Cliff Simmons have devised a route that takes in some old favourites, together with some lanes that are less familiar.
The route has been approved by Motorsport UK’s regional RLO (route liaison officer) and a provisional road book produced, which means that the task of route checking can start next month.
As a Touring Assembly, there is no competition element to the Andy Mort Tour, although crews will be required to follow the tulip road book and visit the codeboard checkpoints – some of which will be marshalled –to ensure the correct route is adhered to.
The entire route takes place on sealed roads and can be safely driven in a standard road car, there is no need for special modifications.
The start and finish venue will once again be at West Bradford village hall, where breakfast will be served to the entrants, before the first car is flagged away at 9.30am.
The lunch halt is at Bridge House Farm Tearooms, at Wray, where refreshments will be served.
And a signature feature of the Andy Mort Tour, the ‘fun test’ is back again, ready to entertain crews (and spectators!) before the finish back at West Bradford, where a potato pie supper and prizegiving ceremony awaits.
“The Andy Mort Tour is acknowledged to be one of the best Tours around, which is reflected in its popularity. The entry list was three-quarters full after 24 hours of going live, so we are expecting another sell-out,” said club chairman Neil Molyneux.
Entry fee for the 2024 Andy Mort Tour is £75 for driver and navigator, which includes a breakfast roll, tea/coffee at the start, a light snack at the lunch halt and a meal at the finish.



Video by DirtFish

Article by DirtFish





First run in 2016, the Andy Mort Tour has become something of a fixture in the Annual 2300 Club Calendar and in 2024, the date for your diary is Saturday 19th of October 2024. Once again the team  have been hard at work to produce another fantastic route and once again promises to be another great event. 

Organised in memory of former club member Andy Mort. The event takes place each October and is a gentle run around Lancashire / Yorkshire. It is not a timed or competitive event and is classed by the MSUK as a ‘Touring Assembly’ – for the layman that is code ‘for a leisurely scenic run in the country on proper Tarmac roads.’ … so no need for roll cages, sump guards, etc. And is open to historic and interesting cars (your normal road car). The navigation is via Tulips from a supplied Road Book or the option of using map references. The route will finish with some non compulsory fun tests. There will be prizes for correct route and once again 2300club  will be presenting ‘The FAB Award‘ for best presented car, secretly judged throughout the day.
A good old fashioned navigational run with great cars & great people. Once again we will be utilising the same online entry system as last year. Which proved very successful. Please keep an eye out for details on Facebook, Instagram & here for more details………Coming soon!


The 2021 Event
The 2022 Event
The 2023 Event


The FAB Award Winners list

2019    John Sharples      Dax Cobra                           
2020    *Cancelled due to Covid19*
2021    Stuart & William Ingham    Mini cooper S
2022    Keith & Anne Nolan   MG  BGT
2023  Russ Dawson & Ian Shorrock  Lotus Elise