Increasingly, it seems that is being automatically flagged as SPAM. However, all is not lost. If you would like to continue to receive e-mail from us, you will need to take some action. With some service providers it's as simple as adding "" to a "whitelist" (search your e-mail […]
Help with the Website
During times of high load on the system, for example when the entry form is first published each year and sometimes during the event, the load on the server gets too high and to prevent it from failing, we limit the number of users that can be logged into the […]
We have disabled the Registered Users section of this site. All content is no visible whether you are logged in or not, so we've disabled the login screens
Some registered users sometimes have difficulty logging into the website. There are a couple of reasons for this:
- wrong username or password
- corrupted cookies
Disclaimer The 2300 Club makes no warranties, representations or undertakings about:- any of the content of this web site (including, without limitation, any as to the quality, accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of such content); or any content of any other web site referred to or accessed […]
Here is a list of the current 2300 Club officials, their names, what they do and how to contact them. These officials will be pleased to answer question about the event. Please do not make calls to home numbers after 9pm Back row, from left to right: Gordon Hawcroft, Linzi […]
This website is best viewed at a resolution of 1024x768 or greater. If you can't see the whole site without scrolling the screen from side to side, you probably need to change your settings. All computers sold in the last year or so are capable of displaying this, so here's our handy guide to how to fettle your computer...
WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING NEW REGISTRATIONS FOR THIS SITE There is no need to register for the site if you don't want to. If you do register: We will use the type of user you register as, to tailor the information that we present you with when you visit. […]
By registering for this site you agree to these terms and conditions: You will not publish or attempt to publish any inappropriate material on the site (this includes pornography, bad language and defamatory comments). You will become part of the 2300 Club Community and will generally behave as a nice […]
By registering for this site you agree to these terms and conditions: You will not publish or attempt to publish any inappropriate material on the site (this includes pornography, bad language and defamatory comments). You will become part of the 2300 Club Community and will generally behave as a nice […]