Neil Hallworth's blog of his visit to the the 2008 Tunnock's Tour of Mull in a Talbot Sunbeam. Daily updates during rally weekend. Find it here
Monthly archives: September 2008
Please be aware that shipment of Fuel Containers (Empty or Full) or other Dangerous Goods on Caledonian MacBrayne Ferries is only possible if you adhere to the Dangerous Goods Regulations detailed below. This is enforced by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency and Caledonian MacBrayne will not be able to allow you to cross if you do not comply.
The 2300 Club, organisers of the legendary Tunnock’s Tour of Mull closed road tarmac rally, is proud to announce 19 year old Phil Scholes as winner of the 2008 John Easson Award for young rally drivers.
There will be a Music Quiz, hosted by Rod Brereton in the Mishnish on Wednesday 8th October. All proceeds will go to Pendleside Hospice in Jack Neal's name.
All competitors that have ACCEPTED or RESERVE entries (if you can see this - that includes you!) must complete three supplementary forms, for Recce Registration, Emergency Service & Press Info.
The Tunnock's Tour of Mull – 2008 Timetable of Events If you want to print this file, please use the printer icon link (middle of the three, above & to the right) Date Time Event 1st August 11:00 Entries Open / Regulations Published On The 2300 Club Website 31st August […]